Player Info
Polo Development Platform
To access the latest rules interpretations, rules tests, coach and player development content, to the Western Australia
Polo Development platform. Access to the platform is free and there is lot's of free content to get you started. For those interested in accessing the full library of e-learning, events and articles you will be able to subscribe.
There is also a section for New Players providing you some background information about the sport. If you want to register to play or re-register click here.
If you are registering as a member please use the below links:
Kojonup Polo & Polocrosse Club
(Please contact club directly before registering with this club)
Moondyne Polo Club
(Please contact club directly before registering with this club)
Swan Valley Polo Club
(Please contact club directly before registering with this club)
Walkaway Polo Club
(Please contact club directly before registering with this club)
To re-register you will need to have your user-name and password and then choose the log in section. If you can’t find, or remember your user-name and password, please email us and we will retrieve them for you. You can change the user-name and password to help remember them in the future. If you are looking at changing clubs you will need to be “transferred” on the system, so please contact the Secretary. Make sure you check with the club you are moving to that you are able to join, before asking for the transfer.